Friday, October 10, 2008

O wikednesse, O miserie, O funne!

I, Johan Bale, haue sinned agaynst God and manne. I haue turned my blogge in to a sinke of sinne, a platforme for Antichriste, that whore of Babylone, that painted harlot. I haue spreade abroad the sinneful wordes of a wikked man, Myles Huggarde. God haue mercie on me.

I founde, in my travails on the see of the inter-net, a newe game, called "Marry, Shagge, Throwe off a Cliffe." Since all my workes must leade menne to righteousnesse, I have chosen to play with people from the New Testament so thatte God will not iugde us, but I feare the delectacion of thise plesaunt game will proue to muche for vs. Decide whiche person to ioine with in bondes of matrimonie, whiche to throwe from a cliffe, and whiche to fournicate with in wantonesse. Iustify youre ansuers. I chalenge Hogarde to matche mee in this pastime, and we wille se whiche creature shall triumph!

Lidia, the sellar of purple; Mary Magdalene, Dalila.

My enemie, the speakre of foulle lyes, Miles Hogg-harde will in his piggishe voyce ansuer me and aske another.

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